11-12 June 2025
Heath Farm, Leadenham Lincs LN5 0QE

Cookies Policy



When viewing the website published by Comexposium (the “Site”), cookies may be placed on your computer subject, of course, to the choices you have indicated, which can be changed at any time.


I. What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text, image or software files which are placed and stored on your computer, smartphone or any other device used to browse on the internet, when you visit a website (the “Cookies”). Cookies generally enable a website to recognise you, report your visit to a particular page and therefore provide you with extra services: improvement of your browsing experience, protection of your connection and adjustment of the page content to your interests. 
The information, stored by the Cookies for a limited period, may relate to the pages viewed, the type of browser you use, your IP address or the information you have entered on a particular website to avoid repeating the process. 
In general, only the issuer of a cookie can read or change the information contained in this cookie.


II. What is the use of cookies?

The types of cookie placed on the Site are described below.


1. Technical Cookies

The exclusive purpose of these Cookies (the “Technical Cookies”) is to facilitate the process of browsing on the Site and access to products and services. Technical Cookies enable us, in particular, to recognise you, notify us of your visit to a specific page and therefore improve your browsing experience. These cookies adapt the Site layout to your computer’s display preferences (language used, display resolution) and record passwords and other information contained in the form you completed on the Site (registration or access to the Exhibitor Section). Technical Cookies also enable online security measures to be implemented (e.g. when you are requested to connect to the Exhibitor Section again after a specified period of time).

These Technical Cookies are technically indispensable to browse on our Site and cannot therefore be disabled or parameterised except at the risk of no longer being granted access to the Site and/or Site services. If deleted, difficulties may occur when browsing on our Site and your orders may be impossible to complete.


2. Audience Measurement Cookies

The purpose of audience measurement cookies (the “Audience Measurement Cookies”) is to measure audiences with respect to Site contents and sections in order to assess and organise these better. These Cookies also enable browsing problems to be detected so that the ergonomics of our Site services can be improved. Audience Measurement Cookies produce only anonymous statistics and readership volumes, excluding any individual information.


3. Commercial Cookies

Commercial cookies (the “Commercial Cookies”) collect information about your browsing on the Site to provide you with the appropriate advertising content. Commercial Cookies therefore:

  • record the number of displays for advertising content disseminated via our advertising spaces, identify the advertisements displayed and the number of users who have clicked on each advertisement to calculate the sums owed and prepare statistics accordingly;
  • recognise your computer when browsing at a later stage on any other site or service on which these third parties also issue cookies and, if relevant, to adapt these third party sites and services or their advertisements to any browsing on your computer of which they may be aware;
  • adapt the presentation of this third party content to the display preferences of your computer (language used, display resolution, operating system, etc.)
  • store information relating to the form that you completed for these third parties (registration for one of their services) or to any products, services or data you may have selected for the relevant third party (purchase of a third party service, etc.)


4. Social Network Cookies

Social Network Cookies enable the content of our Site to be shared with other people and to inform them that you have consulted the Site or to give your opinion on specific content of the Site. This is the case of the “Share” and “Like” buttons on the Facebook and Twitter social networks. If you interact via third party sources such as by clicking on a “Like” button or leaving a comment, for example, the corresponding information will be transmitted to the social network and published on your profile.

If you do not want the social network to connect the information collected through our Site to your user account, you should disconnect from the social network beforehand.

We invite you to consult the privacy policies of the relevant social network to learn the purposes for which browsing information collected through the application buttons could be used, such as for advertising.


III. Your cookie choices

By using our Site, you agree to the use of the abovementioned Cookies. You may, however, choose to disable all or part of these Cookies, excepting the Technical Cookies required for operation of the Site, as mentioned above.

Your browser can also be programmed to notify you of the Cookies placed on your computer and ask you whether you want to accept them or not.

You agreement will be valid for a period of only 13 months from the date on which the Cookie was first placed on your computer, regardless of the number of visits to the Site, which does not enable this time frame to be extended. Upon expiry of this period, your acceptance will be requested again when you browse on the Site.


1. Rejecting a Cookie via your browser software

You may choose to disable all or part of the Cookies at any time. Your browser can also be programmed to notify you of the Cookies placed on your computer and to request or reject your acceptance (on a case-by-case basis or as a whole).

We remind you, however, that if you disable the Technical Cookies, you will be unable to use our Site under normal conditions and to have access to certain services on our Site, in particular.

If you decide not to accept Technical Cookies or delete those stored on your computer, we will assume no responsibility for the consequences of any deterioration in our services due to our being unable to set or consult the Technical Cookies required for their operation, and which you have rejected or deleted.

The browser’s “Help” function explains how to reject new cookies, obtain a message of notification of receipt or disable cookies.

For further information on how cookies function and targeted advertising, please consult the websites www.youronlinechoices.eu and www.allaboutcookies.org.


2. Rejecting Cookies managed by our suppliers

When you browse on our Site, Cookies issued by companies other than Comexposium may be placed on your computer, depending on the choices you made previously or at any other time, under the conditions described in this document.

In addition to the measures implemented by Comexposium to check that these Cookies are legal, transmission and use are subject to the privacy policies of the above issuers. Nonetheless, we are informing you of the purposes of the Cookies of which we are aware and the means at your disposal to make choices with regard to these Cookies and their respective issuers.

You can connect to the website Youronlinechoices, provided by digital advertising professionals grouped within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), an association managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) France.

This will enable you to obtain the names of the companies registered on this platform which allow you to accept or reject the cookies they use. The aim is to adapt, to the browser information they process, any advertisements likely to be displayed when website pages on which they issue cookies are viewed by your computer: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.

This European platform is shared by hundreds of internet advertising professionals, providing a central interface to express your choices on the cookies likely to be used in order to adapt your computer’s browsing to any advertisements displayed. You should note that this procedure does not prevent advertisements from being displayed on the websites you visit. It will only block the technologies that enable advertisements to be adapted to your computer’s browsing and to your interests.


3. Rejecting Cookies issued by social networks

If you do not want our Site to set Cookies on your browser for this purpose, you can click on the appropriate links to disable these Cookies and avoid any interaction with the social network(s) concerned:


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