Phil Jarvis
Phil is currently Land and Estates Director for Albanwise Limited, moving from Chair of Albanwise Farming and Environment in 2023. Albanwise manage landscapes for food, energy and the environment in Yorkshire and Norfolk.
Phil is a former Head of Farming, Training and Partnerships at the GWCT Allerton Project where he worked and farmed for 29 years.
In 2011 he completed a MSc in Sustainable Agricultural Management at Harper Adams University and between 2016 -2019 was a member of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Agriculture and Food Security, Strategy Advisory Panel.
Currently Phil chairs of the Voluntary Initiative (an industry led organization promoting the responsible use of plant protection products through best practice and an IPM approach)
Phil is a former Chair of the NFU’s Environmental Forum and Vice Chair of the national Combinable Crops Board.