Edwin Taylor
Edwin is a fifth-generation farmer and farm in south Northumberland in partnership with his father. Durhamfield farm is mainly arable (2,000 acres); the remaining 700 acres is permanent pasture (grassland), where he keeps suckler cows, and woodland. Durhamfield has haulage and a commercial grain drying and storage facility on the farm.
Edwin is Chairman of BASE UK (Biodiversity Agriculture Soil and the Environment) and is carrying out informal trials as part of BASE UK using a no-till rotation, direct drilling and carrying out bulk density and nitrogen tests, visually observing the physical differences in the soil. Edwin has been working with BASE UK and Newcastle University on an Innovative Farmers field lab assessing how inputs (such as compost, paper-waste and gypsum) affect in-field variation of no-till soils.
He has also been working with Frontier conducting a trial of spring oat cover crops, (comparing cultivated soil and no till) and through this have had numerous soil tests carried out through NIAB.