Alternative crops in the spotlight at Cereals 2025

As farmers await clarity on the revised Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), experts at this year’s Cereals Event will highlight the benefits of incorporating alternative crops into rotations.
While the closure of the SFI came as a blow to farmers looking to diversify their income while improving the environment with alternative crops, land use and management, there are plenty of other options.
“The SFI represented a pretty easy way for farmers to move away from out-and-out production-focused farming to deriving an income from environmental funding,” says Edward Hutley, partner at Ceres Rural. “Taking marginal land out of production has been a wholesale change – and there are lots of people with agreements in play.”
For those who didn’t make it into this year’s SFI, the options are to wait for it to potentially reopen, or to look at market-driven alternatives.
One such option is niche crops. “At our farm in Essex we have grown borage, echium, ryegrass seed and chia seed – these are all crops to be considered, although they’re not to be entered into lightly as they’re not risk-free,” explains Edward.
“Such crops require specialist equipment and storage, have fewer plant protection options, and limited marketing opportunities. There’s also a steep learning curve, with mistakes likely along the way – but the returns could be worthwhile.
There is a middle ground like growing less risky crops on value-added contracts – for example naked oats, high erucic acid oilseed rape, or crops for seed rather than mainstream use.
With oilseed rape (OSR) acreage in decline and cabbage stem flea beetle concerns persisting, alternative break crops are gaining traction. One standout option is winter linseed, currently marketing at over £600/t, compared to £380/t for OSR.
Growing more niche crops can provide growers with a more reliable and profitable path forward, suggests Nigel Padbury, seeds and marketing manager at Premium Crops. “When you consider that winter linseed can yield 2.5-3.5t/ha, we can confidently say it presents a very strong financial proposition,” he explains.
“It shares many agronomic advantages with OSR, including a similar drilling window and seedbed conditions – but with reduced nitrogen requirements at 140kg/ha versus 200kg+ for OSR.”
Importantly, it is not affected by flea beetles and has a more reliable July harvest window, mitigating risks for growers. Modern varieties have also addressed historical harvest concerns, with growers reporting minimal issues.
Premium Crops will also showcase canary seed, a strong option for the birdseed market which offers a competitive edge against blackgrass due to its late sowing and strong field presence. Meanwhile, spring linseed continues to exceed £500/t for high omega-3 varieties.
For those sticking with rapeseed, high-erucic acid and high oleic, low linolenic acid offer price premiums over standard double-low crops.
The company is also actively researching new pulse crops, including chickpeas, but it’s important to secure a guaranteed end market. “We strongly advise farmers not to grow any niche crops without a guaranteed buyer,” Mr Padbury says. “It’s crucial to secure a buy-back contract before planting, as trading these crops on the open market can be risky, leaving farmers with unsold produce and disrupting supply chains.”
Farmers attending the Cereals Event can see first-hand how these alternative crops perform, with demonstration plots showcasing linseed, canary seed, millet, borage, and innovative cover crop mixes designed to improve soil health and ease spring seedbed preparation.
Unpredictable weather continues to challenge growers, but one noticeable trend is the shift toward earlier spring sowing. “Early sowing optimises moisture retention, which is crucial for seed establishment,” notes Mr Padbury. “With soil temperatures reaching double figures in March more frequently, earlier planting is delivering higher yields while reducing harvest pressure.”
Following the launch of the UK’s first-ever sunflower marketing pool last year, United Oilseeds is encouraging farmers to consider sunflowers as a profitable and climate-resistant break crop.
“The first season exceeded expectations, with many growers achieving yields over 2t/ha,” says Nick Hobson, United Oilseeds’ sunflower project lead. “Despite challenges like moisture management and pest pressure, the final price surpassed £400/t, reinforcing sunflowers’ market potential.”
With the UK heavily reliant on imported sunflower oil, domestic production presents a valuable opportunity. Sunflowers also hold strong demand in the birdseed and edible seed markets.
United Oilseeds’ sunflower pool features two UK-suited varieties: ES Bella (Grainseed) and LG50268 (Limagrain).
“From an agronomic perspective, sunflowers bring several advantages,” he adds. “Their deep-rooting system enhances soil health, while their resilience to drought and minimal input requirements makes them an attractive option for future-proofing farm operations. As a pollinator-friendly crop, sunflowers also contribute to biodiversity and align with existing agri-incentives.”