Senova is a private, independent seed marketing and crop development company with an innovative approach. We remain small and personal. We have made considerable inroads into specialist market sectors. Persuit of new market opportunities has been, and remains key to the business.
As representatives for breeders from across Europe our portfolio of varieties is diverse and includes winter and spring crops - cereals, oilseeds and pulses.
Our new and leading varieties include three winter barleys Kitty, NOS Olena and BYDV tolerant variety Organa , Mascani and Cromwell winter oats, Vespa and Vincent winter beans and Lumaco and Fido triticale.
This year Senova have a range of exciting new varieties.
Hector winter wheat is an exteptionally high yielding hard feed RL Candidate for 2025. It has excellent Septoria tritici and yellow rust resistance and good grain quality.
We have three new barley varieties, all with appealing attributes.
Kitty is a high yielding 2row feed wth the highest specific weight on the RL, plus resistance to both BaYMV1 and BaYMV2. With other good agronomic characters too Kitty will be in demand.
NOS Olena is the joint top yielding 2row feed barley on the RL. It combines this performance with excellent disease resistance and very good grain quality and outperforms established variety KWS Tardis.
Organa is an exciting new BYDV tolerant 2row barley, one of the first added to the RL. It has all of the desired attributes of a 2row feed with the added benefit of a high degree of protection from BYDV, reducing costs and risk.
Cromwell winter husked oat is a Mascani cross and shares its superb quality characteristics as well as having shorter, stiff straw and producing high yields. It is gaining popularirty with the millers.
To add to our leading winter bean varieties Vespa and Vincent we have Ninja, a pale hilum variety with early maturity and the highest protein content on the PGRO DL.
We are also introducing Navara, our new high yielding spring bean and Batist, our high yielding yellow spring pea.
Visit our website for more information on all of our varieties.
49 North RoadGreat Abington
CB21 6AS
United Kingdom