Winter Linseed
The largest buyer of Linseed in the UK
As market leaders our customers benefit from our established supply chain to added value customers throughout Europe. This means that we offer a consistently high and stable price for conventional Linseed but with the added security of no yield risk to the producer.
Winter break crop comparison
With many growers questioning the viability of Rape due to cabbage stem flea beetle, Winter linseed is the ideal alternative to Winter Beans or Oats. Beans and Oats are no longer cheap to grow and do not have the margin potential of Winter linseed. Increases in herbicide cost, as well as less reliability in controlling weeds such as volunteer Rape, Charlock and Grass weeds make these crops riskier.
- It solves many of the problems associated with excessive over cropping of Rape
- Reduces build-up of Rape as a weed
- Allows excellent control of Runch, Charlock and Cranesbill
- Halts declining Rape yields from club root and virus infections
- It is not a target for cabbage stem flea beetle as it is not a brassica
- Presents no slug problems in subsequent Wheat crops
- Rabbits and Deer do not find Winter Linseed attractive to graze. Some test grazing will take place but no large scale feeding
Rape is widely grown because it is harvested early, allowing early establishment of following Wheat crops with optimum timeliness and soil conditions. Winter linseed also provides these benefits, but without the slug risk associated with Rape.