Nutri-Start Lq
The NutristarT LQ is a liquid fertiliser system for application of starter fertiliser. Early application of N & P fertiliser can help the crop establish strong root structure before the winter and establishes the crop ahead of competing weeds. Stronger crops are less susceptible to slugs and birds. The fertiliser is typically applied in a pencil jet behind each leg so that the seed benefits directly from the nutrients and by placing fertiliser deeper in the soil encourages deeper roots. Each nozzle is fed from a 12v pump mounted near the tank via a stainless steel manifold. Different outlet configurations are available. Tanks can be 600 or 1000 litres in size and supplied with either a front linkage mounted chassis or implement mounted cradle. We can supply just the control system if you wish to make use of an existing tank. The NutristarT LQ is compatible with the MulticasT seeder to give you the complete package.