11-12 June 2025
Heath Farm, Leadenham Lincs LN5 0QE

Exhibitor Products

Compound NPK Fertilisers

YARA UK LTD Stand: 1100

Our YaraMila fertilisers are a range of true uniform compound NPK fertilisers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and in most cases sulphur in each granule or prill, assuring accurate and even distribution of all nutrients.

Compound fertilisers with each nutrient contained in every granule or prill

YaraMila NPK fertilisers contain combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and in most cases sulphur too – the most essential plant nutrients – designed to meet specific crop requirements to maximize crop yield and quality.

Flexible nutrient combinations

Efficient nutrient sources

  • No nutrient segregation - All nutrients are contained in every prill or granule  so there can be no risk of nutrient segregation during shipping, handling or spreading
  • Even nutrient application - All nutrients are applied evenly to the whole crop avoiding uneven application and yield losses
  • Range of nutrient ratios - A wide range of N:P:K + S ratios and availability of formulas with secondary and micronutrients ensure there is a YaraMila fertilisers for all crop situations
  • Sulphur included - Almost all formulations now include sulphur ensuring balanced fertilisation without the need for an additional sulphur fertiliser.
  • Additional nutrients - ManyYaraMila fertilisers also contain micronutrients essential for specific crops. These may include boron, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and/or selenium
  • Balanced nitrogen source - Nitrogen is present at 40-45% as nitrate-N and 55-60% as ammonium-N, depending on the production process and the specific formula.
  • Fast nitrogen uptake - High nitrate-N content ensures a quick response to nitrogen, while the ammonium-N is important to keep a sustained delivery of nitrogen. 
  • Available phosphate - Phosphorus is fully plant available, as water soluble ortho- and polyphosphates and ammonium citrate soluble di-calcium phosphate. The combination of different forms give greater and a longer lasting availability of phosphorus to crops
  • Alternative potassium sources - Potassium is included as MOP (Muriate of Potash - potassium chloride) or SOP (Sulphate of Potash -potassium sulphate). Products based on SOP are specially for crops with low chloride tolerance whilst MOP based products are suitable for all other crops




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