11-12 June 2025
Heath Farm, Leadenham Lincs LN5 0QE

Exhibitor Products

11 May 2022

27N 12So3 Compound

27N 12So3 Compound
27N 12So3 Compound

A mixture of Ammonium Nitrate and fine-grained mineral containing Calcium Sulphate with an addition of anti-caking agents, this 27N 12So3 fertiliser will ensure a high-quality yield. The sulphur increases the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilisation and is beneficial for the content and quality of protein in the plant. Resulting in good rooting, increases growth, improves immunity which is all critical to the quality and growth of the crop.

With the correct spreader settings, 27N 12SO3 compound will spread evenly to bouts of 54m



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